Serve God's People

The Life Center believes that it is our responsibility to serve God's people with the gifts with which we have been blessed.  The ministry opportunities currently available are listed below.  However if God has equipped you with a gift that you would like to use to help create additional opportunities, please contact us at



Sports Ministry

If you love Sports and love interacting with God's people, then this ministry is for you! Get involved by following this link Sports Ministry.


Fatherhood Ministry

God has called his Men to be the leaders in their home and an example to their children. If you want to discover more ways to make this a reality in your life, get involved with this ministry by following this link Fatherhood Ministry.


Youth Ministry - Are you gifted to teach young people God's Word? Ages 5-17


Media - Record and Edit Video Services & Record Audio Cd's. Keep TLC website updated and TLC Facebook page up to date.


Worship/Music/Visual Arts- Praise Team, Praise Dancing, Poetry/Spoken Word


Security/ Setup- Open up for services & special events and parking lot duty. Close down the facilities.


Youth Worker/ Assistants - Assist with handouts and snacks.


GateKeepers/ Ushers/ Greeters- Welcome and Intercede for others.